
Animal ABCs: Letter B

B is for Bear and Butterfly

Letter B Alphabet Box

(Read more about items in the Letter B Alphabet Box
by clicking HERE...)


Preschool Workbox Drawers
Letter Art

The Bear B and Butterfly b
are from 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack.

Our Letter Art small b page was inspired by
THIS post.
I also included a cutting practice activity in
this drawer this time...
...which I acquired from The Dollar Tree.


Dot a Dot Page

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)


Pattern Blocks


Play-Doh Letters

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)


Letter B Printables

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)


Letter B Poke Page

(I created this page,
and if I can EVER get it to upload correctly,
I will totally share it with y'all!)


Butterfly and Bee


Stamping Fun
Using bear track stamps
and blueberry ink...
...the kiddos had a hay day
creating pictures.

(They made a quite a mess, too-



"Brown Bear, Brown Bear"

(I found this activity HERE at
Make Learning Fun.)

We did more than just sort M&M's with this activity,
though that is where we started.
Then we counted up the different groups of M&M's...
...added them up...
...and graphed the results on this chalkboard layout.
(Perhaps the hardest part of this activity
was coloring in graph with the chalk-
what a squeaky sound!)

After the Math was over,
we used the cut outs to make stick puppets
to retell


Letter B Themed Books

(This book also had a DVD with it
about a polar bear family-
you can read more about it by clicking HERE...)


Letter B Snack AND Extra Fun
Since we read Jimmy Kennedy's
we decided to have a little Teddy Bear Picnic
of our own...
Teddy Grahams were our snack
for the picnic...
...and everyone had a special friend to snuggle
with while they ate.
A bright and bodacious time
was had by all...



You can also check out other
Letter B ideas
we didn't get to on my


Linking up

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