
TOS Crew Review: ALEKS

(Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces)
is an internet program 
that can access what your kiddo's needs and adapt
to their level
in the area of Mathematics.
After an initial assessment,
your kiddos will be retested
since the goal of ALEKS is mastering the material.
Jungle Girl,
who is in the 4th grade,
qualified to use this program,
since it is for grades 
3-12 and beyond...
(Your teens can take courses through
ALEKS and receive college credit.)
This program is not for our family-
at least right now.

It IS high quality
and I think would be very beneficial
 for those of you who have high schoolers.

if you are in that "stage of life"
with your kiddos,
check into this site.

The pricing seems reasonable:

*$19.95 a month
*$99.95 for 6 months of access
*$179.95 for 12 months
*Families with multiple children may also
receive a discount rate.
Click HERE to read more about trying out
for a free trial...


To see other
TOS Crew Reviews of this product,
just click HERE...


I received a 2 month subscription 
for free for my open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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