
Animal ABCs: Letter F

F is for Frog and Flamingo

Letter F Alphabet Box

(Read more about items in the Letter F Alphabet Box
by clicking HERE...)


Preschool Workbox Drawers
Letter Art

The Frog F and the flamingo f worksheet
(which are not pictured)
are from 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack.
Flamingo F
was inspired by
and the
French Fry F
were created by me...


Dot a Dot Page

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)

Pattern Blocks

Play-Doh Letters

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)

Letter F Printables

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)


Letter F Poke Page

(I created these pages,
and if I can EVER get them to upload correctly,
I will totally share it with y'all!)


"Foxy" Name Practice
I found these cute little fox name place holders
in the Dollar Target Spot.

I had the littles look at their names
on the place cards...
...and use foam letter tiles
(from The Dollar Tree)
to spell out their names.


Foam Fox Craft

I picked this little kit
up at Target.


 Book and Craft
based on...
P.D. Eastman.

I don't have a picture of the final product,
but after reading the story to the kiddos,
they each created one of the owls
seen HERE.

Then they added a pic of the firefly
I had copied from the book
onto the page,
as well as extra feathers onto 
Sam the owl.


Letter F Themed Books

I placed a squishy fishy
in the book box
for the kiddos to play with...

 I included this book in the mix...
...because one of the characters is a frog.


Other Letter F Fun

I HAD to let the kiddos jam out
to the
"What Does a Fox Say?"
since we did talk a lot about foxes this week.
I do believe they enjoyed it,
don't you?



You can also check out other
Letter F ideas we didn't get to on my


Linking up with

1 comment:

  1. I love your letter boxes, so many F's!! I've never read Sam and the Firefly! I will have to check that out.
