
Animal ABCs: Letter C

C is for Caterpillar and Camel

Letter C Alphabet Box

(Read more about items in the Letter C Alphabet Box
by clicking HERE...)


Preschool Workbox Drawers
Letter Art
The Caterpillar C and camel c
are from 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack.
These cute little caterpillars
were inspired by THIS post from
ABC and 123.

The little c's the boys made were just decorated
with car stickers,
since they love playing with about anything on wheels!


Dot a Dot Page

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)

(Apparently Little Wild Man and Little Miss Sunshine
decided to hijack my camera during this activity...)


Pattern Blocks


Play-Doh Letters

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)


Letter C Printables

(From 1+1+1=1's Animal ABC pack)


Letter C Poke Page

(I created these pages,
and if I can EVER get them to upload correctly,
I will totally share it with y'all!)


 Caterpillar Name Practice

I was inspired by Almost Unschoolers
Cater-spelling, An Egg Carton Game post
to create a set of caterpillar sections
with the letters for the boys' names on them.

Not only were they able to practice
the spelling of their names...

...they created some pretty interesting sculptures
with the caterpillar parts.


 Hungry Caterpillar Matching Game

Inspired by THIS post via Pinterest...
...I created my own bottle cap matching game.
I did not have Eric Carle stickers,
so I used pictures similar to THESE,
shrunk them down,
and Mod Podged them into the bottle caps.


Hungry Caterpillar Pattern Necklaces

Inspired by THIS post over on
Buggy and Buddy...
...I dyed some pasta green
and cut out circles of red craft foam,
as well as crafting up some caterpillar faces
from craft foam scraps.
The kiddos could then create patterns to make 
Hungry Caterpillar necklaces...

...or they just practiced their fine motor skills
by playing with the objects.

(Little Wild Man photo bomb!)


Letter C Themed Books

 (Letter C is for Caterpillar in this book...)


Other Letter C Fun
I had a couple of caterpillar finger puppets
which I placed in the book box...
...which also inspired some creative play.



You can also check out other
Letter C ideas
we didn't get to on my


Linking up

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