
Fall and Thanksgiving Tot Trays and Activities

Over the past couple of weeks,
Smiley B has been working through the following
tot trays and activities,
all anticipating 
Turkey Time on Thanksgiving Day...


Pumpkin and Scarecrow Patterns
From the Scarecrow Pack at 2TeachingMommies


"I is for Indian Corn" Alphabet Book Page

The older kiddos wanted to help out Smiley B
make his Indian corn...


"Which is Different?"
Pre-Writing Pages
From the Leaves Pack at 2TeachingMommies


Fall Dot-a-Dot Pages
From Make Learning Fun


Lite-Brite Letter I
I traced the Letter I onto some
Lite-Brite grid paper
for Smiley to practice making the letter.

Pretty good for a 3 year old's first time...


Thanksgiving Stamping Strips
From the Thanksgiving Pack at 2TeachingMommies

(Love those little finger prints!)


"Pilgrims' Journey"
Pre-Writing Practice
From the Thanksgiving Pack at 2TeachingMommies


Pilgrim, Indian, Turkey Patterns
The Pilgrim and Indian cards are from the
Thanksgiving Tot Pack...
...and I made the turkeys a couple of years ago
with flowers, buttons, googly eyes, felt, and ribbon.


Plenty 'o Puzzles
From the Thanksgiving Pack at 2TeachingMommies
the Fall Fun PreK Pack at Homeschool Creations

Little Wild Man loves to help B with the puzzles...


Sizing Up the Mayflower
From the Thanksgiving Tot Pack


Turkey Toss

After reading The Best Thanksgiving Ever!...
...we used the cards and mat from
Education Cubes
to play Turkey Toss.

To play the game,
roll the dice, count the turkeys,
and mark them off of the sheet.


Pilgrim Count

After reading
One Little, Two Little Three Little Pilgrims...
...Smiley B worked on counting the Pilgrim boys and girls
as he loaded them on the Mayflower.

(I CANNOT remember where I got this printable from-


Feed the Old Lady

While Jungle Girl read aloud
I know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie...
...the other kiddos took turns feeding
the old lady using
THESE printables from Make Learning Fun.


Puppet Play

After reading
The Amazing Turkey Rescue...
...the kiddos all made little turkey puppets
for playtime.


During our Fall and Thanksgiving studies,
Smiley B also completed...


And what learning fun is complete
...a gobbledy-good Muffin Tin Monday meal...
...or a sweet afternoon snack? ;0)


Linking up with

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