
In Love With Letters: Xx

Letter Art for Big "X"
"X" is for Xylophone
(Baby Girl's version)

(Inspiration from No Time for Flashcards)

(Little Wild Man's version)

Letter Art for Little "x"
"x" is for x-ray
(Baby Girl's version)

(Inspiration from No Time for Flashcards and KidsSoup)

(Little Wild Man's version)


  1. I love the xylophone! Thanks for the tip to the No Time For Flash Cards site.

  2. LOVE this blog!!! I'm looking forward to reading much more - I love the "X" activities. I think my little hands on learner will really enjoy this!

    Thanks for sharing and welcome to the Crew!

    Lisa C. from the Crew

  3. Just visiting Crew members and looking around. Can I just say that I had that exact pair of under roos and I'm pretty sure that exact photo is wandering around my mom's house. I absolutely love your tag line under your title, I'm looking forward to reading more about your "Superhero Lifestyle".

  4. I found your blog as a Crew member. I am looking forward to stealing some letter ideas from you. Well, actually, I've already found a great one to steal!
