

Not Back to School Blog Hop: Curriculum Week

here is the curriculum the kiddos and I are using
for the 2012-2013 Homeschool Year.

Some of the subjects we have already been working in
for about a month,
and others we will be gradually adding into 
our school schedule over the next few weeks...


Jungle Girl's 5th Grade Curriculum:


Finishing up 

(Jungle Girl will start this course
after she has completed
How to Study Your Bible for Kids)

Side note:

My daughter LOVES doing this devotional!

The author, Yancy,
is a singer/song writer
who leads worship at a pre-teen event
called Super Start,
which is where I picked up this book 
along with the CD.

We typically alternate the devotional 
book with the Bible Study book throughout the week.



Novel studies using 
The Chronicles of Narnia.

She will be doing a lapbook for each of the novels.

I found a few for free HERE,
and bought the rest from HS Highlights.


I found the book above at a local thrift store.

It is full of great quotes from the Narnia series,
so Jungle Girl has been practicing her cursive writing
by copying different ones daily into a notebook.

English and Writing

(To be started in late August-
and I may be adding some other writing ideas
with this too as the year progresses.)


Baby Girl's 2nd Grade Curriculum


Daily reading from

 Baby Girl will also add devotional readings
(alternating with her Bible readings)
beginning in a couple of weeks.


and head into


Baby Girl is working through the last ofher
Curriculum from last year,
as well as the

When she is finished with
Sing, Read, Spell, and Write,
I plan on providing her with
Lapbook Novels Studies
on books including




Little Wild Man's 1st Grade Curriculum:


(Either his sisters or I read from this Bible
to Little Wild Man.)





Other Activities

I will also be supplementing
Little Wild Man's work with different
free units from around the Blogesphere,
including-but not limited to-

"Together" Subjects

 The following are academic areas
we cover together as a family...

Scripture Memory Box

We are using the Charlotte Mason
Scripture Memorization Technique
this year-


I feel so much more "powerful" memorizing scripture
in this fashion,
and I am noticing an excitement in my kiddos
to know God's Word better.

Social Studies

We have started off the school year with a
Summer Olympics Lapbook Study.

...we will be diving head first into
Confessions of a Homeschooler's
Road Trip USA
State Study.

We hope to complete 2 states a week
(fast overview, I know...),
but that way we can study 4 to 6 weeks
on our home state of Tennessee.


We will beginning Science in two weeks
by kicking off with
Christian Kids Explore Biology.

Then, if time allows, we will be some of doing the
Earth Rocks!
and some of their
Electrical Connections

Foreign Language

Maybe we will actually
Song School Latin
books this year...

(Crossing my fingers...)


I hope to teach the kiddos some of the
fundamentals of music by
learning to play the recorder this year,
since we don't have a piano...yet...

Read Alouds

I mean,
WHAT homeschool curriculum is
complete without some good, old fashioned
read alouds?

We are starting our year off with
(in anticipation of the upcoming movie release)
and I will determine what other books to read
to the kiddos
as the year progresses...


Check out what other homeschooling families
have planned this year with their curriculum
by heading on over to the 
Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop...


  1. It looks like you are going to have a fantastic year!

  2. Hi from the blog hop! We use the I See Sam readers as well. My son started about a year ago and really took off with them. Great ideas. Best wishes to you this year!

  3. I can't wait to hear how they do with The HObbit, Jeff and I were just discussing that.

    I think I have that same Narnia set.
