

Cupcakes in the Park

This past Thursday,
Jungle Girl entered a baking contest
hosted by our local Farmer's Market called
"Cupcakes in the Park."

She chose to enter the 
"Market Inspired" category
with a batch of

The evening before the contest...
...Jungle Girl whipped up a batch of
homemade vanilla cupcakes...
...using THIS recipe.

She did all the work by herself,
with my supervision.

(I could not have been prouder!)


The next morning...
 ...after Jungle Girl made some frosting using
THIS recipe...
 ...she and her sister iced the cupcakes.

it was time for the fun part...


 After we dropped her cupcakes
off at the park,
we enjoyed the activities the park
offered that day in celebration
of "the cupcake."
The kiddos and their friends
decorated and ate some mini-cupcakes,
washed them down with some milk shots,
and took in a magic show.
They also enjoyed looking at all the other cupcakes
that were in the contest.

But when it was all said and done...
...Jungle Girl place first in her category!

What a wonderful day... :0)

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