
Elf on the Shelf 2013 Adventures: Days 9-12

Day 9:

Chess Arrives!!!

The kiddos awoke on Monday to discover
that Chess was done with his secret mission!

(aka Wonder Mom finally found him stuffed in the
box with the Christmas wrapping paper!)

He brought the kiddos a fun book and activity to
complete that day-
creating new duds for Santa!


Day 10:

Playing Hide and Seek
We found the elves playing
Hid and Seek in the hallway on Day 10...
My Aunt commented on my Facebook page
about this pic that it was reminiscent
 of "The Blair Witch Project."



Day 11:

Go Grocery Shopping!!!

Remember how I said our elves LOVE to be cheeky with me?
You would *think* a diet of dip, icing, and Diet Coke
would be enough to sustain an elf,
but apparently it's not...


Day 12:

Loads of Laundry
They think they are SO CLEVER!


Day 12:

Shrinkey Dink Ornament Fun
On the Eve of Day 11,
our family *finally* got around to purchasing
the Christmas tree... the elves encouraged the kiddos
to make some ornaments to decorate it with!
This kit came from a LOVELY gift from Leah of
and the kiddos thoroughly enjoyed it!


Days 13-15 are coming up tomorrow,
so please come back
and see what those elves were up to last year!

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