
January 21st-27th

Oh yes-
we had some lovely sunshine
and 60 degree weather this week,
which led to some good activity around here...
On the homeschool front,
we've been:

*Celebrating Chinese New Year

*Writing stories on the iPad

(SERIOUSLY,  Jungle Girl is writing
what seems like a novel-
I LOVE it when they take the initiative to
work on their own!)

*Getting our general learning "groove" on


The sunshine got us OUTSIDE,
which inspired cleaning out the garage,
which inspired a renewed interest 
in the dress-up clothes in the garage.


I got to get out of the house
for some fun, too,
with a 
"Girls Night Out"
get together put on by our
homeschool group.



Pretty much an "uneventful" week,
and I enjoyed every second of it...


For a play-by-play of the photos,
click HERE...

I will be linking this up at
and the


  1. I love your flickr collage -- and I agree that Sunshine makes a WORLD of difference. :-)

    I host a Friday linky for homeschoolers - Collage Friday - your post would be perfect. Stop by and link up!

  2. We had great sunshine too! I like you enjoy a simple week and yay!!! For a girls night out.

  3. Photos are great! Nice weather always injects energy into our homeschool, too!

  4. Mooooore sunshine...I need mooooore sunshine.



  5. I love it when children take the initiative too. And 'getting our learning groove on'! Fun collage, great week!

  6. So glad you linked... love reading your blog!

