
My Little Jail Bird...

Oh, my Little Wild Man...
He's such a goof ball..

He left today for Nana and Papa's house
while the girls and I are at camp this week...

I'm sure you are gonna keep your grandparents
thoroughly entertained...


  1. Oh that is wonderful. Now to convince my kids to do this.....

  2. That picture is hilarious! I am from the TOS crew and just doing some blog walking. ;-)

  3. Too funny! I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time and get spoiled rotten.

    Thanks for the tip on where to find the giant marshmallows. I'll try our Walmart. They were a hit with my youngest...they've never had a s'more before.

    I'm just getting caught up on everyone's blog posts and I'm so sorry about your baby birds.

  4. What a character. Every family needs a Little Wild Man just like yours.

    All of your different poses in your post about what you wore made for an entertaining read. Patriotic toenails - very cool! I also like your big hoop earrings that were your mums from the 70s.

    Your packing system seems like an awesome idea for a camping trip.

  5. hehe.. too cute! I left you an award on my blog :)

  6. Reminds me of my youngest...this kid (yours..and well, mine too) definitely has the "It" factor..that's how I describe it when a kid gets positive feedback everywhere he I right? Am I right?
    Congrats on your award by the way!
