

July 7th-13th

We began our 4th year of homeschooling this week...

After having been up past midnight
for a movie birthday party the evening before,
we all slept in-
I didn't wake up until 10am! 

The kiddos spent their day
playing with their friends in the 'hood,
and I got some school and church "stuff"
organized and ready to go 
for our 1st "official" week of the
2012-2013 school year.



Another morning at church,
full of singing and listening and teaching.

Both the Nussbaum family and my family
received little presents from the Woods family
last week.

At the bottom of the bag were some
amidst a few "found" Poop Touch notes...

I love my church family!

The excitement continued at home
in the evening
when Little Wild Man
lost his first tooth!

Super Dad barely used his thumb nail
under his tooth and it popped right out,
much to Little Wild Man's relief...



1st day of our 2012-2013 Homeschooling Year!

The kiddos and I got up and ready,
(and Little Wild Man found a dollar from the Tooth Fairy)
cleaned up the house,
and tackled the work boxes.

We began school with just the "essential" subjects of
Bible, Math/Calendar Time, Reading, and Spelling.

Next week I will hopefully be adding in
Jungle Girl's 
Social Studies
(an Olympic Lapbook study)
and Science
(Biology using "Christian Kids Explore Biology").

Perhaps in a couple weeks
after getting used to those subjects 
I will add in Art, Music, and Latin.

I find that GRADUALLY easing back into everything
makes our school year so much better...

We also discovered during Calendar Time
that Monday was 
so we finished off our day
with some sweet goodies...


(Oh, and not to be outdone by her brother,
Jungle Girl decided to loose a tooth too!

 If the kiddos keep loosing teeth at this pace,
 the Tooth Fairy is gonna be poor!)


After completing school,
we headed over to my mom's
for some Marmee time.

My mother is a

We are often the benefactors of her finds,
so this time we brought home 
several really cool rocks,
which we plan on studying during a 
Geology unit sometime.



Another day of success schooling!

My favorite memory of this day was
when Little Wild Man was reading to me.

He read an entire page of fluency words

First the baby tooth,
and now THIS?

I swear, 
he is growing up too fast for me...

*sniff, sniff*



After school,
the kiddos and I headed over to a friend's house
to deliver some "Get Well" cards,
Essential Oils, and a copy of a Reflexology Chart.

Miss Nancy,
my LOYAL teaching assistant at church,
has what the doctors thinks is a
bulging disk.

She is in  A LOT of pain,
so we wanted to give her a little something to
perhaps help relieve the pain a bit,
and just brighten her day.

I love this woman and all that she does
for me and my K-1 kiddos,
so I hope she gets to healing as quickly as possible!
After our visit, we went to Wal-Mart
to pick up some schooling essentials
and a birthday present for a
sleepover party
Baby Girl was invited to on Friday...

(Blah, blah, blah...) ;0)


The first week of school
is complete!

After school,
Baby Blue came by for a little visit.

she is growing up so fast!

She has gotten two teeth,
is crawling around like a crab,
and can say, "Hi!"
in the sweetest little voice ever!

It was so nice to see her...

In the afternoon,
I went on a wild goose chase
in search of pickling spices.

Finally I found 'em,
and I hope to pickle some cukes 
after I pick up Baby Girl from her sleepover.

What a lovely, lovely week...


To see a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up at the following:


  1. Happy first week of school! And congrats to your little guy on the tooth and such great reading progress!

  2. Wow, first week of school? We haven't even finished last year yet. LOL
