

Weekly Wrap-Up: From Reefs to Rest

This week's "theme" involved
"Earth Day"...

In a way...

On the actual "Earth Day" holiday......we began our school by reviewing the
creation story in Genesis.

(Read more by clicking HERE)
We also read Gerald McDermott's
account of the Creation story...
(Check it out-it's good!)

Besides Bible,
our Science lessons this week have,
focused on "Earth Day" topics...

Since we have been studying habitats,
we were able to use...

Download 'n Go: Expedition Australia
by Amanda Bennett...

(Read more by clicking HERE)

...and the Magic School Bus
to discuss an endangered habitat:

Coral Reefs

We created puppets that represent
coral reefs rather well...

(Read more by Clicking HERE)
Oh, and we HAD to get
OUTSIDE on Earth Day,
of course!

(Read more by clicking HERE)


Now, the entire week did not revolve around
Earth Day...

We continued on with math and reading as usual...
(Man, we are NOT enjoying subtraction right now!)

In History,
we were pretty stoked to learn about
the Elizabethan era,
because we got to discuss a distant relative...

Mary Queen of Scots.

I mean, we are in NO WAY any where near
to being next in line for the throne,
but it is fun to tell people that you are related to royalty!
The kiddos used pattern blocks
and drawings to recreate
some of the scenarios they learned about in the
Elizabethan era...

(Read more by clicking HERE)

Jungle Girl had been diving into the wonderful world
of embroidery this week...

Baby Girl continues to help me bake...
(In this picture, she does NOT have
three hands-
her sister is tickling her...)

(Read more by clicking HERE)


Perhaps the BEST part of this past week has been
having Super Dad

He is an accountant,
so we LOVE when April 16th comes around,
because he takes a few days off.

And boy, does he DESERVE it!

(He worked 7 days a week,
from February to April,
usually not getting home until
at least 8pm in the evenings.)

With that being said,
we did not do school one day
this week,
so we could just enjoy
hanging out as a family again...

We also began his time off...
...with a trip to the down town
"Chalk Walk."

(Read more by clicking HERE)
We are thankful Super Dad has a good job,
and that he's a hard worker,
but we are ESPECIALLY happy when he
gets to stay home and PLAY with us!


Read more about other homeschooling families
and their weeks by going to the Weekly Wrap-Up...


  1. Looks like a great week. Beautiful flower Photo!

    Janet W
