


It was a field trip kind Saturday for us...

Our local University has an excellent Vet School and Hospital,
and once a year they host an open house...

We went and were SO GLAD that we did...

When we first arrived,
the kiddos made some new four legged this Mastiff...

....and French Bulldog.
Now, this pup just cracked us up-
he posed- SERIOUSLY- for the camera!

After enjoying this
"parade of dogs,"
we headed on over to the
"Teddy Bear Clinic."
All the stuffed animals the kiddos brought
were in need of some TLC...
The vet students who checked them out
were very thorough...

...and caring.

The kiddos were quite pleased
with the final results!

Next, the kiddos got some pretty cool
face paintings...

As we moved down the hallway
to the see more of the hospital,
we met some sweet service animals...

The next area was rated "PG"...
...because it was the lab
that contained numerous animal
body parts.

The students use them for study purposes,
of course.
When we walked into this area,
Jungle Girl took one look at a sheep's brain
and turned
so we skipped this part of the tour...

Next, we headed on down
to the smaller exam
We saw the animal dental care lab...
...MORE animal friends...

...the large animal procedure room-
it's where animals like tigers and gorillas
from the zoo go when they need treatment...
...the Physical Therapy area for animals...
...animal eye care...
...and some crazy cool cats!

Before heading down to the
farm animal treatment area,
we passed through the
X-Ray Lab...

This is a x-ray of a pregnant dog...

...and a Heron with its frog lunch!

In the farm animal area,
the younger kiddos got to work on putting together
a fun horse puzzle...

...which upset Jungle Girl,
because she had been DYING to see
the horses!

Well, she FINALLY got her wish...

We also saw some other four legged farm friends...

Before I FINALLY finish this post,
I want to mention two of the coolest bovines
I have ever met...
This girl has a special job at the Vet School-
can you see that round looking contraption
attached to her side?

Well, it's actually a

Apparently cows have some pretty important
bacteria in their stomachs.
When a sick cow is brought to the vet school/hospital,
sometimes it needs some of this healthy bacteria.

The vets and students will reach in,
through this hole,
and get some of the bacteria out of this
sweet heifer's stomach to treat the sick cow.

THIS big old boy
is perhaps the LARGEST bull
I have EVER seen in my life...

He had to weigh in at over 1,000 pounds!
All in all,
this field trip was something
to whinny about!


  1. What an impressive field trip. This had to have made a lasting impression. Thanks for following me. I've followed you back. I don't know why I have before now, I visit often and love your posts.

  2. What a great field trip! I love the teddy bear clinic.

  3. Love it! When you find cool things like this in our area you SO have to tell me about it! I still havent' a clue what there is to see around here!

  4. I WILL, Retrocutie! This Open house will occur again next Spring- it is so worth the trip!

  5. Just coming back from having a dog treated there, I ca honestly say that it is a fantastic hospital. Thanks for all your help!
