

Weekly Wrap-Up: Is the Groundhog part of the Octopus food chain?

Not the "catchiest" title for this week's wrap-up,
but we did a lot of different "stuff" this week,
and I like to tie it all together...somehow...
We began the week by getting ready for Valentine's Day
and made Love Note Mailboxes...
(read more HERE)
...and Valentine Men.
(read more HERE)
We celebrated "Groundhog Day" in a big way...
(read more HERE and HERE)
We "shared the love"
by making presents for our puppy pals...
(read more HERE)
...and continued cooking lessons by making
"Banana Bread Muffins."
(read more HERE)

Now, PLEASE don't think all we do in our house
is hands-on, over-the-top, cutsie-wootsie...
(although, I do enjoy all those things and I believe they can all be educational)

We also learned more about the fall of the Roman Empire
with our Sonlight Curriculum...

Writing and counting numerals (Kindergarten)/rounding to the nearest thousands place (2nd grade)
with Math-U-See...

Read many books with "O" words (like Owl and Octopus)...
for Preschool and Kindergarten and created Letter Art
(see more HERE)

while working on our phonics skills....

Read more about Felicity's adventures in Williamsburg
for 2nd grade Reading/Copywork....

We did try to make 2nd grade spelling practice a bit more fun
by organizing the "wr" words by their vowels...
...and wrote them down in a flap booklet...
We also learned about Food Chains and Food Webs
this week in science...
(see more HERE)
We DESERVED a bit of fun with friends after all this!
We even made Mug Cake with our pals...

(It was fun to make, but the recipe I used wasn't the moistest in the world,
so the kiddos basically ate the tops off. I am now in search of a better recipe-
any suggestions?)
"M"an, I a"M" "M"ore than ready for a "M"assage!

When you finish your spa appointment,
please saunter on over to Weekly Wrap-Up and see
other Homeschoolers Happenings!


  1. Looks like a great week. I've got to get my dd cooking more, great idea!

  2. Wow! Lots of fun ideas. The food chain is adorable. I wish were studying it now so we could make one. LOL

  3. Sounds like you had a great week.

    Look forward to reading more. I found you over at the weekly wrap-up.

    Have a great weekend!
