

10 in 10: Favorite Homeschooling Sites

Welcome to Week 1 of the Ten Weeks of Top Ten Lists  
sponsored by  iHomeschoolNetwork.

Over the next ten weeks, many bloggers will be sharing
their Top Ten lists on various topics.

 Today's topic:
Top Ten Websites to Use for Homeschooling.

(I determined my list by how I often I visit these sites
for inspiration-
though I am definitely inspired by many more than just
these 10...)


Here are my 10 Ten, in no particular order:

1.  Pinterest

this is perhaps one of the most ingenious sites every created!
I can now keep all my school ideas organized
without having to create a MILLION
bookmark folders.

(You have to be "invited" to participate,
so if you want to join in the fun,
shoot me an email at
and I will be happy to invite you!)


If you are a "hands-on" kinda-schooler,
you need to check out Leah's site.
She is continuously amazing me with her ideas,
cookies (yes-cookies can be very educational),
and creative lessons.

We use her recipe for Candy Cane Fudge...
 ...quite frequently in this house around Christmas time,
and I have a TON of her other activities pinned
for future use...


This Mama has a desire to educate her son
extra with fun after school school projects.

We recently completed her lesson called
"If I were a Constellation"...
 ..and became our own Constellation pictures.


4.  Homeschool Share

If you like to use lapbooking or notebooking
in your homeschool,
you HAVE to check out this site!

All three of my kiddos have been using
some of the information created by
Homeschool Share's Space Lapbook...
...during our recent Space Study.


5.  Confessions of a Homeschooler

Not only have we used her
excellent, FREE Preschool printables... this
"G" is for Gumball Game...

 ...Erica's 10 Days Series on Homeschool Enrichment
really helped refocus me going into
my 3rd year of Homeschooling.

She is such an encouragement to me,
and I bet she will be to you, too,
once you check out her blog...


6.  Homeschool Creations

Another godly woman,
like Erica,
who has a generous and creative heart.

She has much encouragement to offer
through her blog,
as well as the BEST free Preschool Units.
Little Wild Man recently had fun completing
the activities in her
Star Wars Preschool Pack-
isn't puppet Yoda too cute?



this site seems like it is just pure
since Katherine Marie is a professional

I am consistently inspired by her site
for unit ideas to create for my own kiddos.

Her activities, like this President's Day Unit,
inspired me to have a full day of... with Dr. Seuss!


8.  Mama Jenn

Oh how Mama Jenn's printables
have spiced up...
 ...our Calendar Time!

She is a HARD-WORKING mother
to five kiddos and she still finds time to help out
other homeschooling families
with her great posts and free printables.

(Mama Jenn's Education Cubes website
is also well worth looking into...)


 9.  Hubbard's Cupboard

This site really helped me organize
and bring Preschool Education
to my kiddos when they were younger.

This site is one of the reasons I began
my journey in homeschooling.

If you know ANYBODY who has
2-6 year olds,
recommend that they go to this site-
it will help them greatly! 

10.  Catholic Icing and Mustard Seeds

Yeah, yeah-
I know I am "cheating" a bit here
by adding an extra site tot he list,
but I really need to mention both of these sites.

Theses ladies have helped breath life
into our Bible lessons...


I am not Catholic,
but many of Lacy's ideas over at
Catholic Icing are teachings from the Bible.

She has so many cute and fun ways to
make the Bible come alive for kiddos... these
"Palm" Palm Branches and Foot Donkeys.


Mustard Seeds
challenged me this year to make an effort
to make Easter as special as I do Christmas...

One of the ways we did so was by creating our own...
...Hill of Calvary garden,
using Mustard Seed's instructions.


these are just a FEW of the websites
that inspire our Homeschool
on a daily basis.

Head on over to the
Many Little Blessings Blog

to check out many other
inspiring homeschool blogs...

You can click HERE to see what other
Top 10 Homeschooling lists
are coming over the next few weeks...


  1. You are so sweet! And, I hope you know, I get my share of inspiration right here, too :)

  2. I agree Catholic Icing is cool, even if you're not Catholic. I need to check into Mustard Seed, that sounds cool.

  3. I am consistently amazed at the number of talented, creative women out there! Many of these are my favorites as well - and I don't even homeschool. :)

  4. Hello! Looks like a great list of sites. I read a few of them, but will have to check out the rest. Thank you so much for stopping by today and showing support for my niece.

