

November 17th-23rd

This week I was thankful for...
*All the wonderful ideas I found from
YOU creative bloggers
that helped me plan a day of
Thanksgiving Learning FUN
for my kiddos
(You can read all about it by clicking

*Christmas shopping gearing up-
and stores putting the toys on sale!  ;0)

*In-laws who welcomed us home
for a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast

*Teaching my kiddos the game of Spoons,
a holiday Hockman tradition

*My mother-in-law-
who gives me the BESEST foot massages
(she is a certified Reflexologist)

*My father-in-law,
who always generously spoils us all
when we visit

*The city of Indianapolis, IN,
for hosting a lovely Christmas Tree Lighting event,
which got me in the 
Christmas Spirit
(even IF we froze our tushies off
while we were there)

*The forest fire near our home
(while we were gone)
being put our successfully

*Neighbors who took care of our
while we were gone


To read a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up

Collage Friday

Week in Review

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