

November 24th-30th


Before we headed home from Indianapolis,
we went and checked out the
Small Claims Court in which my 
is the judge.

(I played with the gavel-
too cool...)

Later, after lunch, we had a little early birthday party
for Little Wild Man,
and then returned home to K-town...



We stayed home from church and rested.

It was lovely...



All the "extra" kiddos were at the casa today,
and since we were not totally unpacked from the trip,
school was light
(just Math).

I spent the day taking care of kiddos,
unpacking, straightening, laundering, etc., etc, etc.



After school,
I started decorating the house for Christmas!

I am going to post about it later,
but let me just say,
my Christmas style is
EXTREMELY eclectic-
I doubt our home will ever be featured
on the cover of Home and Gardens'
Christmas Magazine... ;0)



More school-i-o,
Christmas decorating,
and a little 
Christmas shopping 
when Marie came over to 
crochet with Jungle Girl...



We headed to the church in the morning
so I could complete a craft project 
with the preschoolers in our
Parents Day Out program.

I then put together a Bulletin Board 
featuring the art work
while my kiddos ran up and down the hallways
with a friend.

After visiting my mother,
we headed out with
some friends from the 'hood
to purchase our FIRST ever
LIVE Christmas Tree!

It is fat.

It smells divine.

I think I am in love...



Got up and completed school
so I could head back to the church
and decorate my classroom for Christmas.

I swear-
the stapler and I had a battle,
and I almost "lost my religion"...


When I got back home,
I checked in on the kiddos,
(who had stayed at the neighbors' house)
and then made dinner.

I finished my evening by helping our elf,
set up a 
breakfast bar
for the kiddos tomorrow.

"It's beginning to look a lot
like Christmas..."


To read a photo play-by-play
of the above photo collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of you in the middle. I love that you always include a picture of yourself in the collages. You and your kids will be so glad in the future.
