

July 21st-27th

We have Olympic Fever in our home right now,
as is evident in our activities this week...


But before I get into all of that,
I wanted to give an update on the
I had last week.

I found out this morning
that I did NOT get the job.

But it is OK.

I am kinda glad
(and a tad disappointed)
about the finality of the decision.

I am glad to continue to do our homeschooling
the way in which I believe 
fits our family best.

I REALLY need another kiddos to watch
in our home to help us out

I KNOW that God is in control,
and will provide-
I am praying for the patience I need
to wait on His timing... :0)


what DID we do this week?

I can't really give a play-by-play
because for some reason the week
is a bit of a fog to me.

I can list the "highlights" from the week:

*Started filling in our

*Went grocery shopping at Aldi

*Watched some sweet kiddos
for a friend

*Went shopping at Sam's Club

*Realized my son 's handwriting 
is a tad on the atrocious side

*Enjoyed the flowers Super Dad
surprised me with while I 
waited and waited and WAITED
on the results of the interview

*Celebrated National Hot Fudge Sundae Day

*Brought home a FUN Firehouse "Dollhouse"
from my parents for
Little Wild Man to play with while his sisters
play with their Dollhouse

*Took supper  and listened to a 
friend who recently found out
she may need surgery on her spine

*Snuggled into the sofa
and watched the 
Opening Ceremony for the Summer Olympics
with the fam

(I will be posted some of the fun Olympic activities
we have been into over the next few days...)


 Check out a photo
play-by-play of the above collage
by clicking HERE...


Linking up to the following:


  1. I'm sorry your teaching position didn't work out. I know you're disappointed, and I will pray that you find a source of some extra income. Have you ever thought about using your blog to make a little extra money?

    We are studying the Olympics, too -- starting back to "school" on Monday. :-)

    Thanks for linking!

  2. That sounds like a very busy week, y'all. I am thinking that He knows best about what you and your family needs. I will keep praying for that to come to fruition.

  3. Don't you just love Aldi? I pray that your situation with extra work works itself out. I've been there!

    Send me a private email if your interested in knowing what I did for extra income.

  4. You may not have gotten the job - but in a world where there is such a thing as National Hot Fudge Sundae Day, who could ever be sad :)

  5. Love your photo collage! We're enjoying the Olympics here too:)

    How did I miss National Hot Fudge Sundae Day?! I wonder if it's too late to celebrate;)

  6. Amber,
    Hey, how are you guys?
    My best friend's dog, Blue, (her picture is here ) has an enlarged liver. We don't know if it is a tumor or a liver malfunction. Her vet has referred her to University of Tennessee-Knoxville Veternariary School-Hospital for a biopsy. Do you know anything about this place and do you know of any good hotels or places to stay around it since we are going to have to stay at least over-night, if not a few days?
    Thank you so much for any help you can give us.
    -Phyllis (All Things Beautiful)
