

July 29th-August 3rd

What a SWEET week this turned out to be...



Went to the church to set up for
Family Sunday.

Another mother and I decorated the Sanctuary
in shades of orange and red,
which all related to the teaching for the day.

After a visit to my parents',
I went home and got everyone and everything ready
for church the next day...



Family Sunday!

Whenever we have five Sundays in a month,
the 5th Sunday becomes 
Family Sunday.

The main church service is 
"taken over" 
by either our children's ministry
or by the youth ministry.

Since it was the Children's Ministry's turn,
we used our
and discussed what July's theme had been about:


We focused on how God wants us to love others,
even when they are different than us.

We put a modern "twist" on the story of
by making Peter's "Jewish team"
the University of Tennessee's Volunteers
and Cornelius' "Gentile team"
the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Most of the people at our church are HUGE
UT fans since we live in Knoxville, TN,
but our minister 
(and a couple other active members)
are HUGE Ohio State fans.

It was a fun way to discuss
loving others that are different than us...

(Little did I know that I would get a chance
to put this lesson into practice later this week!)

After church,
the girls went to spend TWO nights
at my parent's house,
so Little Wild Man spent the evening alone with us.



Being that is was only Little Wild Man and I
together this morning,
we slacked off when it came to school.

We watched some of the Olympics together
and then went to pick up Mimi.

Mimi was a flower girl in my wedding-
she was a year and a half old at the time.

She is now 16,
and I like to think of her as my 
teenage niece,
even though we are not "technically" related.

She spent the night with us,
because she was bored,
(and because she was avoiding her Summer Reading)
which was fine by me.



After doing some school with Little Wild Man,
and making Mimi do some of her reading (hee! hee!),
we went over to my parents' to pick up the girls.

They had a fabulous time while they were there,
of course,
and didn't want to leave,
but I made 'em,
being the mean Mommy that I am... ;0)

We then grabbed some lunch at Burger King,
where Mimi about had a heart attack
because she saw they now offer a
Bacon Sundae.

That's right, folks,
BK has gone the "foodie" route.

Mimi begged for a Bacon Sundae,
and said that would be the ONLY thing 
she would ask for for lunch,
so I got it for her.

After the fist bite she exclaimed,
"This is the BEST LUNCH EVER!!!"

Teenagers... ;0)



After school,
the kiddos played until our dear friend
Marie came over for
supper and more crochet lessons.

Oh how we love Marie!

Jungle Girl didn't get as much crocheting in
this evening because we had to take a break
to bake some cupcakes.

She wanted to enter our local Farmer's Market's
for kiddos.

She decided to enter in the
"Market Inspired" category.

We decided together to have her bake up some
and with my supervision,
she made a batch from scratch.

(We usually use THIS Plain Yellow Cake recipe
and THIS Vanilla Buttercream Frosting recipe
when we make cakes.)



After we did a bit of school,
Jungle Girl finished up her cupcakes 
for the contest.

After lunch,
we headed out to the park
to submit her cupcakes
and then headed to Sam's Club
to do a bit of shopping

When we returned to the park,
we discovered that Jungle Girl had won
for her cupcakes!


I was so proud of her,
and I think she felt pretty good
about her accomplishment too...



After I caught us up on our read aloud,
The Hobbit,
we went to my parents' house for a bit.

 Then we headed back home, grabbed some supper
and Super Dad,
and headed out for an evening of fun with friends at

We even brought home three extra kiddos
from Dollywood with us
for a two night sleepover,
 so I am certain this will be a busy weekend
of fun too... :0)

 Linking up with:


  1. Love the idea of putting the modern twist on it!

  2. Wow, what a week!! It is fantastic that she won first place for her cupcakes! I bet they were so good. We are reading the Hobbit, too. I love the fact you guys have such a variety of experiences each week!

  3. OK! A bacon sundae and corn on the cobcakes? Sounds like a marvelous food week for sure!!! Congrats on the first place.

    I want to live at your house!!
