

Weekly Wrap-Up: We are "fired" up about learning...

We sure ran like we had a "fire" lit under us
this week...

We went to our Monday Fun classes...
(YAHOO- we hadn't been in two weeks!)

Baby Girl continues to learn about the perils of "Hamlet"
in her Shakespeare class...
(NO- she's NOT a genius- this is a
Shakespeare class tailored for K-3rd grade,
and the teacher is AWESOME!)

Jungle Girl greatly enjoys her "Felicity" novel class...

This week, they made the style of cap
Felicity would have worn during the days of Colonial Williamsburg...
She wears the hat ALL THE TIME, so you will perhaps see it throughout my post...
(She says wearing it keeps her warm)

Throughout the week, we did the usual,
plus we had our attention towards the Winter Olympics,
so some of our activities tied into this theme... our "Blubber Gloves" science lesson.
(click here to see more)

We also created crystallized Olympic rings...
(click here to read more)
...and kept up an Olympic medal tally.
(click here to read more)

When it came to the "norm,"
the younger kiddos learned about the letter "L"
this week with the help of...
(These are some of my FAVORITE stories-
check them out here, here, and here!)
(click here for this activity and others)
and Lions!
(click here for this activity and others)

We created a Candle Clock after we read about King Alfred...
(click here to read more)

But, MOST DEFINITELY, the highlight of our week
of "firery education"
was our trip to the Fire Station on Thursday...
(see more about it here)

And, since I was the one who organized this field trip
for our Homeschool Co-op...
We had Pajama Day on Friday!

(Man, was I tuckered out!)

So, put on YOUR coziest pair of slippers and head on over
to the Weekly Wrap-Up and see what other homeschooling families
have been up to!


  1. What a fun week full of hands-on projects. I'll be they just loved it.

  2. What a great week! I'm definately going to have to try the blubber gloves and the Olympic rings. I'm glad to hear you have PJ days too!

  3. Thank you SO much for arranging the field trips and the upcoming one. It is awesome to have someone leading such great trips (even if we can't go on them)!

  4. This olympic rings are so cool!

    I helped organize a similar field trip to our local fire station just a few days ago for our MOMS club. It was a big hit! :-)

  5. Wow! You were busy!
    All I wanted to say when I saw the llama books "Llama, llama, red pajama," why did that pop into my head, and why is it now stuck in my head?

  6. What a fabulous week! I torn trying to decide what I thought was coolest.

  7. Wow! What an awesome week of learning. Can we come over and learn at your house??? Please!!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  8. Hey, I found your blog! Its awesome! And it looks like we visit a lot of the same blogs! Woot!
    ~Crazy lady from the nursery at Monday Fun

  9. Love love love the crysalized rings how cool is that!
    My post today was a craft I did several weeks ago :( I craft in the good moments. LOL and then I posts in the other good ones. Mainly I feel overwhelmingly tired with a little "morning sickness" thrown in! Thank you for asking. I just feel so blessed to be having a baby so I try not to complain!

  10. Oh man! I *love* the Llama Llama books. They are some of my favorites to read aloud.
