

Playing with the Dough...

When we got home from picking Little Wild Man
up from preschool,
he wanted to share the
"Oatmeal Playdough"
he made at school...
Well, this led to about
an HOUR AND A HALF of play with his dough,
as well as our "traditional" Playdough...

(This is one of my favs made by Jungle Girl-
It's a friend sharing his taco with
his paraplegic pal...)

Some of their creations looked good enough to eat...

We love playing with dough!


  1. If only they'd invent a self cleaning play dough, then I'd really love it!

  2. Looks like a fun day! We haven't gotten out the playdough in a long time.... now you've inspired me to bring it back out again!

  3. But, it looks like the paraplegic is being healed, the legs are there to be put back on.....

  4. Well Ticia, we HAVE been praying over him pretty hard...

  5. An Almost Unschooling Mom:

    So true! Although, my kiddos are in a cleaning phase, so I bought them each their own dust pan/brush set from the Dollar Tree, and they went to town cleaning up the floor for me!
