

Weekly Wrap-Up: Snow Days

For the past couple of weeks,
we have been doing snow themed activities
mixed in with our regular homeschool curriculum.
For Bible one day,
we read "The Trinity Snowman" poem...
and put together snowman kits.

We have read MANY books
with snow related themes...
and did activities tied to those books...
like this...

and this...
After reading "Sadie and the Snowman"
by Allen Morgan...

Baby Girl and Little Wild Man
worked on sequencing
with these cards.

To work on their fine motor skills,
Baby Girl and Little Wild Man created...

They also did some
snowmen dot-a-dot pages...
and covered the word "snow"
with snowflake stickers
and mini paper snowflakes...
To practice their counting skills,
the Preschooler and Kindergartener
played these games together...

Not wanting to leave my 2nd grader
out of all the fun,
I found some fun ways to add
some snow activities to
her daily assignments like...
Snowman Spelling...

She also read
"Frosty the Snowman"...
and made a Venn diagram comparing
it to the animated movie
"Frosty's Winter Wonderland"...

Oh, and what fun would a snow unit be
without some snowmen to eat?
For a breakfast treat one morning,
we had mini powdered sugar doughnuts
made into snowmen...

I think after all of this white,
I ready for some RED...

The next theme we will be working with is

Please check out other homeschooling families' fun
by going to theWeekly Wrap-Up
over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers!


  1. I love that OLD Frosty the Snowman book- I had it when I was little... I couldn't find it this year and had to use a different version of Frosty- but that one is STILL my favorite!!
    Glad you posted it! :)

  2. Wow that's a lot of snow related projects. It looks like you had a really fun, snow-filled week.

  3. Thanks for stopping by! I am a follower here now! I love the snowman bottles! Great recycled craft!

  4. that's a lot of snow! We don't do much snow themes here in Florida but it looks like fun., Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. Looks like SNOW much fun! (Sorry--just couldn't resist the pun!) Fun crafts. :)

  6. We usually do a snow theme day or week in January, too, but it's hard to get in the mood. Our foot of snow has been replaced by rain and mud. Yuck!

    I don't think I've visited your blog before. I had to laugh when I seen your picture in your Wonder Woman Underoos. We must be from the same time period - I had those, too. LOL!

  7. Too cute!!! I'm doing a snow theme with my tot but she's probably too young for most of these ideas. Wahhh!! But I see a few we could try. I'll have to file the rest away for the future.

    My oldest has already said she's all about the donut snowman. LOL
