

Muffin Tin Monday: ABC's and 123's

This week the theme for "Muffin Tin Monday" is
ABC's and 123's!

While the kiddos watched this DVD
(I HIGHLY recommend it for learning letter sounds),
I got to work making their muffin tin themed breakfast.

ABC and 123 shaped
Cinnamon Sugar Toast...
A is for Apple Slices
B is for Banana Slices...
C is for Caramel Dipping Sauce...
and 1, 2, 3 Slices of Boiled Egg.
(Jungle Girl even took the learning further
and used her toast to create dates before she ate them!)

Move on over to "Muffin Tin Monday"
to check out other creative eats and treats!


  1. I will have to check out the video. I love your toast and dipping sauce. Actually the whole tin looks great!

  2. Hi mama, I love your blog so much & your creativity that I am giving you an award - stop by my blog to pick it up! :)

  3. Love your tins. I will definitely check out that movie. Thanks for the great tip.

  4. We love the letter factory, too! My daughter would have loved it if I had thought of this! :)

    Oh, and by the way, I have a picture of myself in that exact same wonder woman getup when I was that age! My parents published it in my high school yearbook my senior year! Glad to meet another wonder woman. :)

  5. Looks like a delicious muffin tin and thanks for the tip on the video!

  6. oh man. that cinnamon sugar toast looks so good. as does the caramel. and apples. and basically everything. love your tin!

    my girls love the video. and it's great. except. it's kinda hard pretending you're cool when you're walking through walmart singing "the a says ah, the a says ah, every letter makes a sound..." i mean. it's ok when my girls are with me. but when i'm alone. man. i get some looks.

  7. that is fantastic - I am drooling just a bit (caramel sauce - YUM)!!!

  8. Yumm! I love the toast they look super delishous!!!

  9. Mmmmm... cinammon sugar and caramel! My kind of breakfast! :)

  10. That video was very well-loved in our household too. Love the muffin tin you came up with this week. Very creative!!

  11. That is one yummy Muffin Tin! The cinnamon toast looks good!

  12. Healthy and of both worlds!
    Your a great mom!
