

G is for Goofy Ghost Tot Trays (and other fun)

Last week,
the theme for Smiley B's tot trays was
"G is for Goofy Ghost."

Here are all the activities he completed
for this theme:

"G is for Goofy Ghost"
Alphabet Book Page


"Goofy Ghost"
Booklet and Puppet
I picked this story up during my
public school teaching days,
so I have NO IDEA where you can find another one-

Smiley and I also used this 
lift-the-flap sheet
to go over other words that begin with
the letter G.

Goofy the Ghost is green in the story,
so we had to make certain to color the puppet green-
as well as give him some green
wiggly eyes...


Ghost Eraser Name Practice 


Prewriting Practice Sheet
I used two of the prewriting sheets from the
and laminated them
so Smiley could use a dry erase marker
to practice.


Halloween Counting Cards
Smiley used these black cat erasers 
as counters when working with the cards...
Smiley was thankful for Baby Girl's help
on this tray...  :0)


Open and Close
Pill Container 
(Idea inspired by the Open and Close Basket over at


Tweezing Spiders


Witch and Broom
Patterning Cards
I made these using foam rectangle and stickers...


Shadow Match Cards


"Which One is Different?"
Laminated Sheet


This game has been in our family
for awhile.

All my kiddos have loved this game,
and Smiley B did too.

It is easy to play...
All the kiddo have to do
is reach in the bag and try to find
different items for their room.

If a monster is pulled out,
the player yells
"Go away monster!'
and throws the piece back into the box.


Besides the tot trays,
we also had fun with the
"Goofy Ghost" theme with a...

...and a ghostie craft.

A spooky, GOOFY-good time
was had by all...  ;0)


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