

Savoring Skatetown

Today it was cold...

So where were can a mother go
and let her kiddos burn off some energy
without freezing her rear-end off?

Why, the local roller rink, of course!
I spent a few days in my youth at the roller rink,
grooving to "Ice, Ice Baby,"
wind whipping through my side pony tail,
thinking I was "all that and a bag of chips"
in my stone washed jeans and Strawberry Shortcake T-shirt...

I can still smell the stale cigarette smoke mixed with sweat and popcorn...

Sorry, I digress...

Today was an experience for my kiddos,
which I also thoroughly enjoyed...
Little Wild Man enjoyed hugging the wall as he skated...
(he could go pretty fast by the end of the afternoon)
The kiddos enjoyed skating
in the light of the disco ball and their glo sticks...
We went with some of our crazy friends from the 'hood...
(neighborhood, that is!)
We also greatly enjoyed the fine cuisine that the rink had to offer...Who DOESN'T appreciate lime green and aqua
bathroom tile...
Especially when it's juxtaposed brown and orange rental skates?
I encourage every parent to find a way
to relive your childhood with your own children
every now and again...


  1. Fun! You have a really cute blog. . . . (and I still like Strawberry Shortcake.)

  2. Sigh, I wish we had a local roller rink. Really I do. I think our shut down about two years ago. I LOVE roller skating and have so many fond memories of going to the local rink.

  3. I sooo wish we had a roller rink nearby. Next time we're in the big city of Great Falls, we'll have to visit theirs. You just brought back so many memories - though, judging from your outfit description, I passed through my roller rink phase, a few years before you :)

  4. Ha, you crack me up. Skate rinks must be the same the world over.

    Ice, Ice baby - now that song gets most people grovvin and singing away. I cringe as I look back at my photos of myself in my high waisted stone wash jeans, wearing a big thick white studded belt, sporting a hairstyle that was fuzz (that took me ages to do and loads of product). Oh the 80's - the fluro socks, the stonwash denim, the big hair (maybe that was just in my case!) and the music. I still love the music to this day.

  5. Oh no Elise, BIG HAIR was ALL AROUND THE WORLD in the '80's (although, I believe I was the only one of my friends to NEVER get a perm- but I did crimp it ever now and again!)!
