

Coming Soon: Reclaiming Christmas Craft-A-Long

OK y'all, I am SUPER PUMPED...

My dear friend Knit Wit
(I have spoke of her before
on the blog,
and I are up to something good...

We are going to be doing a "Craft-A-Long" together!

(Please note the snazzy button Knit created...)

We will be encouraging ourselves
(and ANYONE ELSE who wishes to come along)
to get in a crafty mind set for Christmas 2010.

I am an excellent procrastinator, so I believe this little craft-a-long
is an answer to my prayer
as I begin Christmas craftin' in FEBRUARY!
(I know, I'm still a bit in shock myself...)

Knit will be hosting the craft-a-long first
by demonstrating her mad sewing skills
(of which I have NONE)
and leading you all through a tutorial for the
SWEETEST little Clementine doll beds
you have ever laid your eyes on...
(You can take a gander at the final product HERE)

Oh, and in case you are also "sewing challenged,"
I will be posting crafts that anyone can create
WITHOUT the use of the sewing machine!
So, head on over to Knit's blog,
and let's get this party started!

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