

Muffin Tin Monday: Roses are Red...

This week's Muffin Tin Monday theme is
the color RED,
which I found fit well into our
Valentine themed activities...
During lunch one day,
I read the kiddos a couple of Valentine books...
"Valentine Friends"
by April Jones Prince

For our Red/Valentine Themed Muffin Tin Meal
we had the following...
Chicken Noodle Soup...
(colored red with food coloring)

(I must admit, this looked a little "bloody,"
but the kiddos ate it after getting over
its gory appearance!)
Heart Shaped RED Sugar Cinnamon Toast...
Some Valentine Skittles...
(packed in red, of course!)
and a joke to add to the fun!
(Printed these out from Family Fun)

(Oh, and the meal was served in a heart shaped muffin tin,
courtesy of Target.)

Head on over to
Muffin Tin Monday
and check out other "red letter" meals!


  1. I love what you did for your Valentine's Day muffin tins - especially the red sugar cinnamon toast - yummo.

    Your blog alsways makes me smile, it is fun and uplifting. You certainly have had some action packed days. How exciting that your little girl lost her first tooth.

  2. I love the tray, but seeing these happy kids eat it is all the more fun. It is wonderful!

  3. Thanks for stopping in on my blog. I just love Target, I have got several fun things there I use for muffin tin meals. I love the toast and strawberries, I may have to try it for breakfast.

  4. Lovely tins. Your kids are precious, I think they appreciated what you did.

  5. How nice - what a great job - your kids look like they LOVE it. I love cinnamon toast - great idea! :)

  6. What nice books and fun foods!

  7. Adorable! I can't wait to see what fun you come up with for "Orange"!

  8. I love the red sugar and cinnamon toast. I read my daughter Slugs In Love by Susan Pearson. It's a super cute book. Great tins.

  9. looks like the kids were enjoying their tin. looks yummy!

  10. Great minds think alike! We love that book. :)

  11. nice. love it all. even the red chicken noodle. also. those jokes are my kind of jokes. word.

  12. Cute tin & your kids are too cute!
