

Re-Post: Chinese Dragons of 2012

***Here is a re-post
of a Chinese New Year
the kiddos completed 
last year.****


We studied Chinese New Year
in 2012,
with the assistance of several
books and movies from the library.

Now I would like to re-share a craft
we completed
in 2012
to celebrate the
Year of the Dragon...


To create this dragon,
we used the following items:
Egg carton tops, cut in equal halves
Paint brushes/sponges
Disposable plates 
Paper towels
Push pin
Paint pens
A variety of decorative items,
including lids and foam shapes
Hole punch
Ribbons and yarn


This is a craft that could be completed
in a day,
but we stretched it out over several...

...we got the paint ready...
...and painted the outside of the egg cartons... create the "skins" for our dragons.


After letting the cartons dry...
...we painted the inside of the cartons red... create the inside...
 ...of the dragons' mouths.


When the insides were dry,
I put the to carton halves together to complete
the heads.

I did this by using...
...a push pin to create a small hole
on each side of the carton.

...I put the brads in... put together the two halves.
This created a hinged head,
which has really added to the kiddos' play...


The kiddos then got into... lid stash to create eyes for their dragons.
They also used glue, foam shapes, and paint pens
to decorate their dragon heads.
Here they are,
drying and awaiting their "tails"...


To create the"tails"...
...the kiddos each chose ribbons...
...which I poked through punched holes
at the back-bottom of the dragon head.

After poking the ribbon through the holes...
...I tied them together in a knot
to keep them secured.

Jungle Girl wanted to create a little different
effect with her dragon tail... she tied yarn to the hole in this fashion...
...and then tied on her ribbons to the yarn,
creating a more "scaly" effect.


every dragon needs horns,
so we took sections of...
...pipe cleaners and wrapped them around
a finger to create a curly effect.

We them glued them... the back of the dragon's head.


Here is a better view of the completed project:


And now,
if you would kindly humor us,
 we would like to introduce you 
to our new playmates:
Baby Girls'
Little Wild Man's
and Jungle Girl's


Linking up
over at the
All Things Beautiful...

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