

Chinese New Year Books and Videos

Chinese New Year
is going to be celebrated in 2013
Sunday, February 10th.

Every year in our homeschool lessons,
I have tried to introduce a new
holiday to the kiddos-
one that we do not normally celebrate-
to give them a better appreciation of
the world around us.

Over the years,
the kiddos have completed a
Columbus Day lapbook,
(similar to THIS one),
read and discussed
St. Patrick's Day with
Magic Tree House books.

Last year we studied
Chinese New Year
with the help of our local library.

I wanted to show y'all the resources
we used in case you want to study
this holiday more in depth also...


Holidays Around the World:

Celebrate Chinese New Year: With Fireworks, Dragons, and Lanterns 

is full of colorful pictures...
...which truly bring 
Chinese New Year alive...


is chock full...
...of activities, stories, and...,
all which enable you to experience
the holiday in a truly hands-on way.


Happy New Year! / Kung-Hsi Fa-Ts'ai!

This book contained colorful illustrations

which explained the customs and the religion behind 
Chinese New Year.
We are a Christian household,
so this particular temple illustration
brought about a lot of good discussion...


A DVD we watched that told all about
Chinese New Year was...

I thought FOR SURE this DVD would be 
totally cheesy,
but am I glad I was wrong!

Perhaps the neatest part of the video
that kept the kiddos watching
was when they brought in a group
of traditional lion dancers-


Beside non-fiction books,
we checked out a few fictional stories
that celebrated the holiday too...
is colorful and fun...
...with a somewhat poetic tone.


tells the story behind the animals
of the Chinese Zodiac...
...with unique illustrations.


has a unique perspective on the holiday,
since the narrator has a Chinese and Korean heritage.
He also has friends who are not Chinese
(German-French and Hopi-Mexican)
that celebrate the holiday,
which offers an even broader perspective on the 
modern view of Chinese New Year.


is a fun, original folk tale,
reminiscent of Robin Hood,
in which a wok pot takes from a greedy, rich family
and gives to poor family.
The colorful and lively illustrations
add a great deal to the folktale...


We also watched a DVD
that read aloud 
several Asian heritage tales

...Tikki Tikki Tembo...

and more stories to celebrate Asian Heritage.

The kiddos FAVORITE book on the DVD?

Tikki Tikki Tembo.

They LOVED the name of the first born son so much
that they often try to say it as
fast as their lips will let them:

"Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo!"

I used to do this as a child, too-
makes a Mama proud...


I hope you find these resources helpful
when celebrating
Chinese New Year!


Linking up
over at the
All Things Beautiful...

1 comment:

  1. What great books you have found! I will have to get some of them. Thanks for linking up!
