

January 31st- February 6th

Highlights from this past week include:

*Waking up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes
and unexpected snow on the ground
Saturday morning

*All of the kiddos and babies
finally getting over all of their "crud"

*Putting together all of the kiddos
Valentine gifties

Each year,
I place a Valentine a day into their
Target $1 spot mailboxes,
starting on February 1st and ending on
February 14th.

I got this idea from my father.

Every year
since he and my mother have been married
he gives her a Valentine card
from February 1st-14th.

Some years he makes the cards,
other years he buys fancy Hallmark ones,
and yet others have come from those
boxes of classroom sets.

They will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary
later this year,
and I have to think that little acts of romance 
like these have helped keep them 

*I crafted up a Valentine Wreath for myself
and my mother
using Valentines that were my grandmother's.

She was a school teacher for over
30 years,
and my mom gave me a set of Valentines
her students gave her in

I will be posting more about this wreath later,
but every time I look at it,
I smile...

*Princess Pretty Pants
is babbling more and more each time
I see her,
and her little noises just keep us giggling

*The kiddos created an extra special
care package for their Nana,
who has recently been in the hospital.

She is at home and doing better now,
but I would oh-so-greatly
covet your prayers for her health...

*Put together a Valentine's Day Care package
for my friend Bernie
and her family

*Used lots of washi tape
to craft up other cards and such
for friends who needed a little bit of lovin'

*Finished up 
The Mitten lapbooks and activities

*Tied my hair in a bow-
I really need a haircut...  ;0)


To read a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up


  1. What a lovely tradition...a Valentine a day from the 1-14!

  2. Love the hairbow hair! I Wish my hair was long enough for that :0) Also, what a beautiful tradition for Valentines'! So sweet for your dad to start that! THanks for sharing the mitten lapbook stuff, we have that on our reading list coming up! Visiting from Collage Friday :0)

  3. I love the idea of giving a valentine every day from the 1st through the 14th. Happy 40th to your parents later this year!

    My hubby and I are going to a marriage retreat with our church next weekend. I'm really excited!
