

Grandmother's Valentines

A couple of years ago,
my mother gave me...
...a stash of Valentines 
that were my grandmother's
from the 1970's.

She was an elementary school teacher for over
34 years,
and these Valentines were given to her by 
some of her students.

I {heart} them.

I have always wanted to display them in some fashion,
so I took some of them last year...
...and made a little garland
for the mantle. 

(I just WISH I had photo copied them 
to use in the banner and not used the originals-
oh well,
live and learn!)


This year, after being inspired by
I put some of the rest of the Valentines
to good use by creating...
...a wreath for the front door.

(This time, I copied the Valentines
before crafting with them...)

Here is the wreath on display
on our front porch...


Since my mother gave me these Valentines,
I decided to make her...
...a mini Valentine wreath.

...I created the wreath form
using cardboard circle cut out,
which I created by tracing plates.

...I wrapped the circles with some
heart fabric strips.

(When I ran out of a strip of fabric,
I just tied on another strip to the old one.)

I shrunk and copied a few of the Valentines...
...and had fun gluing then on and embellishing the wreath.

Every time I look at these wreathes,
I smile... :0)


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