

Hugs for Nana

Last week,
my mother-in-law
(aka Nana)
was in the hospital for a kidney stone
and an infection.

So to cheer her up,
the kiddos wanted to send her some...

(I have seen this idea several places
on the 'net,
including at

Her is how we made our hugs...

Spread out some butcher paper...
...and get yourself "traced" with a pencil.
(Please try not to move too much,
even if it tickles...)  ;0)

After tracing the pencil outline with a black marker...
...trim the paper to the length you would like.

...have FUN recreating yourself
with crayons, colored pencils, or markers!

(An octopus can come in handy in this process,
since they have eight legs to work with...)

I forgot to take a pic of Little Wild Man's
final product,
but here are the girls' 
"Hugs for Nana"...
 Baby Girl
 During the coloring process,
she acquired some tears,
so we decided to use Washi tape to cover the holes.
This resulted in the creation of Fairy Wings
for her drawing...
 Jungle Girl

In Zebra stripes...
...and wearing her Toothless cap,
of course!

All of the kiddos included messages 
to their Nana on the pictures as well...
We love you, Nana,
and hope you keep getting better!!!


Linking up

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