

February 7th-13th

Highlights from this week include:

*Went grocery shopping
and tried to get Super Dad and I 
back on the low-carb track

(I am totally ignoring our horrible eating
on Valentine's Day-
it didn't happen-
it didn't happen...)

*Baby Girl started crochet lessons-
I am creating my own little 
yarn sweat shop since
all the kiddos are now crocheting... 

*Got a picture text that my friend
Bernie received her 
Valentine gifts from us.

It was so CUTE,
because her baby girl can actually
the Build-a-Bear outfit
that was in the package!

Her twins are over 6 weeks old now,
but still so tiny.

I wish, wish, WISH I could hold
snuggle up with them,
but Michigan is SO FAR AWAY
from Tennessee...


*Mad Max turned the 0-1 this past Saturday!

We went to his birthday party,
which was a sock monkey theme,
(C-U-T-E-S-T decor ever!!!)
and had fun celebrating
with all his friends and family.

When it came time for him to eat his cake,
he dove right in,
but about three bites in,
it was obviously he was NOT a fan 
of icing.

Which surprised me, really-
this boy loves to eat...

*Made up Valentine gifities
for the kiddos in my Sunday School class
and my kiddos' friends

(I will post what I made for the girls' friends
later this week)

*Had a mini Valentine party for the kiddos
in my K-1 Sunday School class

* Received some FUN Valentine's Day mail

(Posting about that later too...)

*Kept on schooling the kiddos
in the three R's,
but since the addition of more kiddos to watch,
I am still trying to figure out how to add in
all our "extra" subjects

I need to work out a new schedule this weekend...


*Had some new Valentine activities
for my preschoolers to work though

*Resurrected some oldie-but-goodie fun
with play dough and the Etch-a-Sketch

*Received chocolate covered strawberries
from Super Dad as an
early Valentine's Day gift

Again, I am IGNORING how I ate on
Valentine's Day-
and the night before Valentine's Day...



Read a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up


  1. Etch-A-Sketch is a fantastic classic - such fun. Though I do admit to liking the new colors a bit better than the iconic red case. I am determined to be able to crochet - I have serious issues with counting the loops and maintaining tension on the yarn, but I sure do like how I can take it out and try try again.

  2. I love that center photo of you! Another great week with the fantastic five!

  3. Your collages always make me happy! We love our Etch a Sketch!!!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!
