

Presidential Pancakes

We had such a fun breakfast this morning... honor of our first President,
George Washington!

After being inspired by THIS post over on

...I fired up and buttered the griddle.

I used about 1/3 of a cup of batter to create...
 ...the head shape,
making certain to make an outline
with the batter first.
 I then quickly added about 1/4 of a cup more
of batter to finish filling in the face shape.
I also made a couple of regular pancakes,
which I used for the other facial features.

Now, make sure you don't flip the pancake until...
...the entire surface of the pancake is nice and bubbly.

the pancake WILL tear-
trust me on this...


When the pancakes are done cooking...
...set them aside let them cool.

After they have cooled...
...use scissors to trim the face pancake
(if needed)...
...and cut out a nose, eyebrows, and lips.

depending upon your taste preference...
 ...add powdered sugar for the hair and eyes...
 ...or use whipped cream.

Thrown in a couple of chocolate chips...
 ...and you've got 
George Washington on a plate!

He sure seemed to leave a smile
on all the kiddos' faces...

Smiley B had perhaps the best reactions
towards the pancakes...
You want me to eat who?!?!?
Oh brother...
Well, I'll give it a go...

Happy President's Day, everybody!


Linking up


  1. those pancakes are RIDICULOUSLY awesome!!!! what a special breakfast for some special kiddos!!!!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE these!! I just pinned & would love to have you stop by & share at my linky party if you have the chance. :)
