

May 12th-18th

Any week that begins with
dance finales and ends with a birthday party
is a good week in my book...



The girls had the last of their "Evening of Dance" performances,
which has now freed up our Tuesday and Friday afternoons
until September.  

That is a mixed blessing-
we do enjoy the free time,
but will also miss dance and hanging with
all our dance peeps.



Mother's Day!

I received little presents and cards
from the kiddos-
the presents were found at the depths of
their dress-up box,
but I sincerely appreciated the thought behind
the gifts!

My Sunday School kiddos made 
"Sundae Bath Salts" for their Mommies...

We left little surprises at my mother's door
for when she arrived home from a funeral viewing....

We ate G-O-O-D for lunch....
(I had Prime Rib!)

I was crowned 
"Queen for the Day"
by Baby Girl,
and spent a relaxing afternoon
chillin' on the computer...



I awoke and discovered that I would not be watching
Baby Blue any more this school year.

Her grandmother wanted to watch her for this last
2 weeks,
which I totally understand.

But her absence has hit me MUCH harder
than I thought it would.

I cried.

She was such a part of our daily lives.

Not only do I love her,
I loved watching how my kiddos
interacted with her.


when Super Dad got home from work,
he had a sweet bouquet of flowers for me
to cheer me up.

(I LOVE this man!!!) 



I decided that this was going to be our last week
of "official" homeschool
for the 2011-2012 school year,
so the kiddos have been finishing up
some math, reading, and their Space Lapbooks.

Did we get everything accomplished 
that I hoped to this year?


Did we learn, enjoy each other, and are in need of
a "break" to re-organize and re-energize?


We will be changing to a more
"year round" homeschool approach
by beginning the
2012-2013 school year at the beginning of July.

My kiddos will still be required to read
during their 
"Summer Break,"
but other than that,
we are just planning on enjoying
the Summer Sun.



We already had Jungle Girl's
10th birthday FAMILY party
back in April,
but due to "end of the year madness,"
we did not have time to fit in her 
"friend" party until May.

It was a lot of fun to
plan and execute...

To see a photo play-by-play,
click HERE...


I will be linking this post up later at
and the


  1. Another great week!
    Thank you so much for the postcards. I posted about them this week.
    Won't be too long until I am in your corner of the world. We will have to get together sometime!

  2. Summer break sounds about right after the last couple of run and fun weeks you've had!
