

In Love With Letters: There's No "Y"awning with the Letter "Y"

Before I delve into all the fun we had with "Y" this week,
I want to give a BIG shout out to
Confessions of a Homeschooler and KidsSoup
for all their help in these lesson plans...

Yarn was naturally on the top of our list with
the letter "Y"...
We read the book Posy, which contained a
curious kitten who played with yarn...
We also read about another kitten, Yoko,
who name starts with "Y" ...

These kittens and their yarn inspired this...Yarn Yettie Craft...

(Read more by clicking HERE)


We also read these fun "Y" books...

Then we played a game in which the kiddos pulled
different pictures (which were attched to yarn)
out of a basket...
The kiddos got to "keep" the picture
if it started with a "Y"...
If they didn't,
they had to put it back in the basket.


The kiddos also made Letter Art...
(Read more by clicking HERE)


Finally, we used yarn to do some math....

(Read more by clicking HERE)

Yahoo for "Y!"

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