

I am, I am, I AM a HANDY-WOMAN!!!

Today, we had a new fridge delivered to the house...


It is a sweet gift from my in-laws-
they deeply desire to foster my inner cook...

After taking out all our valuable groceries from the fridge....
...and spreading them all...
...the kitchen....

Guess what the delivery men discovered?

We measured our space incorrectly-
our new fridge was TOO BIG!!!

The culprits for this inconvenience included...
...the slight overhang of our counter...
...and a piece of crown molding.

One of the delivery men said if I took out the molding
and had the counter trimmed,
the fridge would fit.

Now, before I go on, y'all need to understand something-
"Mrs. Fix-It" I am NOT!!!

I can craft, decorate, etc.,
but if you asked me to jimmy-rig a broken drawer,
I would suggest that you see your doctor for some medication.


I tried to get a hold of my husband at work,
and since he didn't answer,
I had to make the executive decision to keep the new fridge
and figure out a way to make it fit.

I got to work on removing the counter piece...

Screw one...out...

Screw two...out...

Then, screw three...

It was WAAAAAAAAY in the back of the drawer...

It was NOT budging...

I can do this...I can do this...I CAN DO THIS...

...and I DID IT!


Counter top off...check!

Molding off...check!

Our new fridge finally FITS!

I am WOMAN- hear me ROAR!!!


  1. Sounds like us. We also measured our fridge incorrectly when we moved into our new home. My husband was tired from moving and three stressful days waiting on appliances, so when the fridge arrived and didn't fit...He got out his jigsaw and made it fit. Two years later we are the only ones who notice the counter being a wee-bit crocked.

    AWESOME!!! Enjoy the new fridge!

  2. And a picture of the elusive WonderMom to boot!

