

Easter Weekend 2010

OK folks, bare with me through this post-

We had a B-U-S-Y Easter weekend,
and with so many cute pictures,
I HAD to post a lot of them...

It's a LAW...

Nana and Papa came down for the weekend,
which is always fun...

While Nana got her famous Chicken and Noodles ready for supper Friday evening...

Papa and the kiddos played a chaotic game of "Hungry, Hungry Hippos"...

You aren't playing the game correctly unless
some of the marbles are flying off the table...

On Saturday morning, I magically transformed
from Wonder Mom

...the Easter Bunny!
I went and hid eggs for our 1st-to-be-annual
neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt!
What AMAZES me about egg hunts is how
the "Easter Bunny" can spend 45 minutes hiding eggs...

...which a group of 40 kiddos can find in less than 10 minutes!

(Those neighborhood kiddos are quite the treasure hunters...)
My kiddos enduring the sunshine
to humor their mother for a picture...

While the adults counted the eggs for the
"prize ceremony,"
I helped the kiddos create their own
homemade "Chia Heads"...

(aka as "Pot Heads" to the adults...hee! hee!)

The kiddos used paint pens, glue dots, and goggly eyes
to create a face on the pots...
The kiddos then filled the pots with soil and grass seed,
and with some water, sunshine, and patience,
the pots will need haircuts in a couple of weeks!

Our egg hunt prize "ceremony" results were as follows...
Discoverer of the Golden Egg
(which contained $5)
for the 4 year old and under category...
Discoverer of the Golden Egg
for the 5 year old and up category...

Winners for the Most Eggs Collected...
Girl in the age 4 and under category...
Boy in the 4 and under category...
Girl in the 5 and over category...
Boy in the 5 and over category...

(Side Note: Look closely at that chocolate bunny.
It's missing an eye and a foot...
APPARENTLY we need to keep the bunnies in a cooler next year...)


FINALLY- Easter morning...

Ready for Easter Baskets!

(Little Wild Man was a BLUR of excitement...)

Time for the annual Easter pictures, pre-church service...
Jungle Girl...
Baby Girl...
Little Wild Man...
(I VOW to never force him to wear a clip on tie,
no matter how cute it might look on him...)
What a fine-lookin' bunch of kiddos!

Post-church group shot...
We take a picture with these lovely ladies
every Easter on the sanctuary steps...

Poor kids...

We went to a friend's home for Easter dinner,
and then the kiddos participated with the fore mentioned ladies
in another Easter Egg hunt...

Probably my favorite picture...

Mi Mi had to have help with the hunt this year
since she was on crutches...

Super Dad volunteered to be her sidekick...

She SOOOOOO appreciated his help...hee! hee!

Quite the haul...

Hope y'all had a Happy Easter!!!


  1. FUN! that you had the whole neighborhood involved! Love that! On easter I transformed into the Easter Bunny then the Tooth Fairy ... boy Im glad I could keep up!

  2. Hey, that's impressive for a pregnant chick!
