

My Savior ROCKS!!!

"Who is the rock? Who is the rock?
HE is the rock!"

This little ditty I often hear from my son after preschool worship...

When I started planning for this past Sunday's Easter lesson,
I came across THIS idea
at This Little Project
which uses, well,


When we moved into our house almost two years ago,
the previous owners had beautifully and simply landscaped
the yard.

The flower beds were outlined with big rocks... this.

My kiddos have slowly turned many of them into...

I now thank them for having the forethought
to smash the rocks up for me...

They knew I would need them...

I gathered up some remnants and washed them...
Got out the paint pens and acrylics...
...and turned one of the rocks into an Easter Egg!

(The kiddos in my Sunday School class created some lovely eggs too,
but I didn't get any pictures! Ahhhhh!)

The rock part of their Easter Eggs will remind them about the
rock that was rolled away from Jesus' EMPTY tomb...

Jesus ROCKS!!!

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