

Weekly Wrap-Up: Let the Snot Times Flow...

Not the most productive week for us when it came to the basics...
(ya know, Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmatic)

I have been dealing with yet, another,

Some days, I just want to stick a vacuum
up my nose and suck all the gunk outta may nasal cavities...

But, I digress...

Despite being my "less than enthusiastic" self,
learning DID take place in other ways...

We began the week with a celebration...

(That precious young lady was our 21 month old flower girl in our wedding-
my, my, my how time flies!)
We went to our Enrichment classes on Monday,
and when one girl was in a class while the other wasn't,
we played games...

Tuesday and Wednesday passed-
and I made sure to get an antibiotic from the doctor...

Then, I got a burst of energy,
so on Thursday we read about Colonial Williamsburg
and made...
...Breakfast Puffs!

(Read more by clicking HERE)
Later that afternoon, we took a hike
at a local park and discovered a "natural" alphabet...

(Read more by clicking HERE and HERE)

The sizzling finale to our week
was a field trip to see...
...the Tennessee Children's Dance Ensemble!

(Read more by clicking HERE)

This was a celebratory, pass-the-tissues-please,
leafy, twinkle-toe-crazy kinda week!

To read about other homeschooling craziness,
head on over to the Weekly Wrap-Up!


  1. Looks productive to me! Much more productive than my week for sure :)

  2. Wow! You are Wonder Mom! Hope you are feeling better. Looks like it turned out to be a great week even though you weren't feeling your best.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  3. Hope you are feeling better! Wow, you are amazing even when you are sick. The Breakfast Puffs look so yummy!

  4. Hope you are feeling better.

    Thanks for the breakfast puffs recipe. It looks yummy:)

  5. Hmmmm...the breakfast puffs look interesting! I will have to check those out!
