

Tennesse Children's Dance Ensemble Spring Concet 2010

Yesterday we got all gussied up to attend the
Tennessee Children's Dance Ensemble
Spring 2010 Concert.
My daughters both take dance lessons at the studio
that TCDE rehearses,
so we were pretty excited to got and see them.

TCDE are ambassadors of goodwill for Tennessee.
They are a troupe of children dancers,
ranging from age 8-18,
who have performed internationally.

They have even performed for the
President of the United States and other dignitaries!

Each member of the company makes the following pledge:

And, I must say, it SHOWS in their performances!

We really enjoyed the concert-

I wish I could show you pictures or video,
but I can't,
so I will stick with pictures from their program...

I believe that supporting children in ANY creative endeavor
is important...

The next time you have the opportunity
to see a child sing, dance, play an instrument, etc....
JUMP at the chance!

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