

TOS Crew Review: Talking Fingers- Word Qwerty

A few months ago,
Baby Girl had the opportunity to try out...
...the Read, Write, and Type Learning System,

(read more by clicking HERE)

so when I received the opportunity for
Jungle Girl try out...

...we jumped at the chance!


Wordy Qwerty offers 7 to 9 year olds
a fun way to work on typing and phonics skills
with the help of...
...Qwerty the Word Coach (left)
Midi the Musician (right).

By playing a series of games in each lesson,
Jungle Girl was able to work on solidifying
her reading and spelling skills in a fun way.

These games include:
...Write Stories...
...and Read Stories.

(You can get more details about what each activity
has to offer your child by clicking HERE.)


Now, since Jungle Girl had never participated
in the previous Talking Fingers Programs,
she was not using the keyboard
like the program would have liked.
If you are looking for a strictly
keyboarding teaching program,
I would not recommend JUST this program.

The Read, Write, and Type system
should be used first for JUST typing also.

this program would work GREAT
to solidify phonics rules,
spelling structures,
and reading fluidity.


The Wordy Qwerty program is
$35 for the program CD.

(Read more about purchasing the product
by clicking HERE.)

To find out more about Wordy Qwerty,
you can just click HERE.

Jungle Girl... ...had mixed feelings about the product.

She liked the games
(minus the Karaoke-
thought she says her sister would LOVE it-
her sister, Baby Girl, who sings EVERYWHERE-
even while on the toilet...).

She also found Qwerty a little annoying at times,
but his counterpart, Midi,
was a BIG hit!


Disclaimer: I received a subscription to this program
for my open and honest review.
i was not compensated in any other way.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a neat program. I wonder if they have a Mac version? Singing on the toilet -- LOL!!
