

TOS Review: Science Weekly

Science Weekly is a Newsletter
that promotes learning science topics
in a fun, hands-on, multi-subject kind of way...
This program is for kiddos in K-6th grade,
which is really wonderful for families who are homeschooling
multiple ages.


For this review, I received...
...all six levels...
...on the unit about Composting.

I would like to take you though this unit
by comparing
Level Pre-A (for Kindergarteners)
Level E (for 6th graders)
so you can see how this program could work
for your family....
On the left is the Level Pre-A Newsletter, and on the right
is the Level E Newsletter.

Each of the levels contain the same activities,
but they adjusted appropriately for the
grade level.

The front cover contains information
about the newsletter topic-
you can see that the information for a
Kindergartener is vastly simpler than the
information for the 6th grader.


Inside the newsletter are a variety of activities,
including a hands-on lab experiment.

The Kindergarten object...
...just involves creating simple compost...
...while the objective for 6th grade...
...involves more complex procedures.


The newsletter has cross-curricular activities,
Language Arts...
(Level Pre-A)
(Level E)

(Level Pre-A)
(Level E)

...and a "Challenge" section....
(Level Pre-A)
(Level E)


Included with your subscription is a...
...Teacher's Guide,
so you will have all the answers to the activities,
and a discussion guide to use with your kiddos.


The cost for this product for most Homeschooling families
would be...
(You would receive 15 issues for the year.)

Now, if you are teaching a classroom full,
(like the Duggers)
you could go with the Classroom Rate...


My personal thoughts on this product?

I think it is a good resource to possibly add to
another Science Curriculum,
or be the "springboard" for a more involved study.

I would not forsee our family using this
as our "soul" Science curriculum.


For more information about Science Weekly...
...just click HERE.


Disclaimer: I received a sample of this product
free for my open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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