

Whistlepig Whimsy

This past week in my Monday FUN
preschool stART class,
the kiddos and I read...
...Groundhog Gets a Say
Pamela Curtis Swallow.

(I also used this book last year with my own kiddos-
you can read more by clicking HERE.)

I then gave the kiddos craft supplies and they got busy...
...decorating burrows for their wooden spoon groundhogs.
(Oh, and in case you didn't know,
groundhogs love to practice their ninja moves
with each other...)


After we finished the crafts...
...the kiddos dug into the activity boxes.
This week's boxes included rocks,
brown and black floral dot filler,
and plastic snakes, lizards, and insects.

(You can see what our activity boxes
were like last week by clicking HERE.)
The kiddos had fun making patterns...
...and soup...
...which the groundhogs greatly enjoyed.


Oh, and I was so proud of Jungle Girl
this week.

She is my unofficial "helper" in class,
since she is in the 3rd grade.

She is VERY helpful, by the way,
and this week she was also very thoughtful...

One of the girls in our class was sick,
so Jungle Girl decided to make a puppet for her.

She went ABOVE AND BEYOND the call of duty...
One side of the puppet
showed Miss Groundhog
happily looking outside of her burrow
and not seeing her shadow...
...while the other side of the puppet
showed Miss Groundhog
being rather frightened by
her own shadow.

How creative is she?

On tap for next week's class:


For more fun and creative ideas for your kiddos,
head on over to
Feed Me Books Friday,
Kids Get Crafty!,
Preschool Corner,
Read, Explore, Learn,
and stART...


  1. They are such cute groundhogs and how fun to use the wooden spoon.

    Jungle Girl is so sweet to think of the student who was sick. What a way to brighten that girl's day and lift her spirits. As you know Savvy has been quite sick and she had to miss her second week of kindy. I think if someone had thought of Savvy and made something so special for her she would have absolutely loved it. Jungle Girl sure knows how to make a difference and make the world a better place. You must be one proud mum.

  2. What an interesting idea with a wooden spoon!

  3. Catching up on a week's worth of posts (I stink at this!). Love your ideas for the groundhog and the lemons/lemonade. So creative! And your outfits the last couple weeks were great. I love your Sunday outfits the best. Thanks for always stopping by and leaving me sweet comments. They always make my day!

  4. I love Jungle Girl's reversible groundhog - what a great idea!

  5. What very cute ground hogs!! I have to say - simple is so effective. They look fabulous!

    Thank you for linking up!


  6. Cute craft. It's wonderful how thoughtful your daughter was!

  7. Cute little groundhogs. I am a little disappointed that I totally ignored Groundhog day as I have been seeing many cute activities across the blog world

  8. We've done wooden spoon puppets before, I'm thinking my kids would love for them to be able to pop up and down.

  9. Love the creativity that Jungle Girl used in the reactions of the groundhog!! Kerri

  10. So glad you came up with things for the groundhog to eat too.

  11. Such creative ideas! It looks like they all had fun.

    And--I've awarded you the Stylish Blogger award over on my blog. Congratulations!

  12. We made groundhog puppets too this week. I just couldn't resist! I love the spoon idea though. I think you showed me that one time! Very cute! I'll be watching very closely for the penguin activity. My little ones are studying the letter P is for Penguins next week! :)
