Well, I think the response for the
1st Annual
"Be My Valentine"
Card Exchange
is enough to give it a go...

I am so excited!
So, here is what I need from your family
to get this party started:
1. The names
(or nicknames, if you wish your children's identities to remain anonymous),
and ages of your children
who wish to participate
2. Your family's home address
3. You email address
4. Your Blog address (if you have one)
Please send all this information to the following
email address ASAP:
I will give all the families who wish to participate until
Thursday, January 27th to shoot me
an email.
Then I will send each family an email
with the names of the kiddos you will need to send a
Valentine by the following Monday, January 31st.
Other "rules" for the card exchange:
1. PLEASE make the Valentines homemade,
in some fashion.
(I will be creating a post soon that will list some ideas
for homemade, kid-friendly Valentines,
to give you some crafty inspiration.)
3. Plan on crafting up 8 to 10 Valentines,
if you want to get started early.
2. If you are sending cards to the same address
(like to my three kiddos, for example),
feel free to mail them together in the same envelope.
Just make sure there is a Valentine
for EACH kiddo participating in the exchange,
preferably labeled with his/her name.
3. Postmark your Valentines by
Monday, February 7th.
That should allow plenty of time
for the Valentines
to reach their destinations.
4. If you have a blog, please link back to my
Monday, February 14th
"Be My Valentine Card Exchange" post,
telling us all about your kiddos'
card exchange experiences.
Optional participation:
On Thursday, February 3rd,
the kiddos and I will be showing off our
"Be My Valentine" Mailboxes
via The Fantastic Five.
If you would like, I will create a link
for your family to post your mailbox ideas.
The mailboxes are NOT mandatory,
but I remember having mailboxes at my
public school Valentine's Day parties
when I was a kiddo.
JDaniel4's Mom made this suggestion,
and I think adding our own
homeschooling Valentine's Day Mailboxes
will only increase the fun factor..
I think I have all the information out there folks!
If you have any questions, please shoot me an email
and I will be happy to help!
Send me an email by
Thursday, January 27th
if you want to participate.
Let you buddies know too-
the more families who sign up, the merrier!
I just send you my information. This should be such fun.
ReplyDeleteI"m debating. I think I'm in, but I need to think a little.
ReplyDeleteI'm in too! A friend of mine gave me the CUTEST idea for valentines!!