Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts


He's Home- YAHOO!!!!

He's Home...
(A picture of my brother during his recent vacation at the Jersey Shore.)


Turns out Aaron had a grand maul seizure
on the bus and he was taken
to the hospital somewhere in Virgina.

And Greyhound,
or the hospital,
didn't think to check his luggage
for his contact info
while he was passed out.


Oh well,
he is back home,
sleeping soundly-
well, ALL of us are sleeping more soundly.

Tomorrow he will be making
a doctor's appointment
to check into this seizure stuff.

Praise God,
Praise God,

And THANK YOU, dear friends,
for your prayers.

I felt God's strength
and peace with me throughout this ordeal,
and so did my family,
and for that,
we cannot thank you enough...


This is my brother.
He's my only sibling.

I am just 13 months older than him,
so we were pretty close growing up.

However, during adulthood,
he made some wrong choices which
separated us for a while.

Now he is back in my life,
and I am very happy about that.

My kiddos adore their
(as they call him)
and he has been a great help
to my mother and father since
he has moved back in with them.

Now that I have "introduced" him
to you,
could you please pray for his safe return?

Here is the prayer request we sent out to
our church family this morning,
and I think it explains the situation at hand
much better than I could right now...


Ron and Martha Wheeler urgently need your prayers
in locating their son Aaron. He has been in New Jersey visiting a girlfriend
and was due back in Knoxville last night.
When Ron met the bus, Aaron's luggage was on the bus,
but no sign of Aaron.
Ron has been at the bus stop to meet every arrival time since then.
As of 10:00 this morning, it will have been a full 24 hours
since anyone has heard from him
(which is very unlike Aaron who calls or texts several times a day).
At 10:00, Ron plans to go to the police station
to file a missing person's report.
About all we know now besides the fact that Aaron's missing
is that the cell phone he was using
is being used by someone in Knoxville.
We have no idea if that is Aaron himself or someone else.
Please pray for Aaron's safety
and for the Wheeler family as they try to locate him.


I will update y'all when I have more info...


A Prayer for Cheryl

Oh, my dear bloggy friends,
I am sad today.

Our minister's daughter was one of the relief aid workers
recently murdered in Afghanistan.

I am asking you to please pray for the Beckett family.

Here is the statement they released to the press:

"Cheryl loved and respected the Afghan people. She denied herself many freedoms in order to abide by Afghan law and custom. Her international co-workers and the Afghan Nationals with whom she served loved her. She was honored to be included in this most recent three-week medical journey to the remote populations of Northern Afghanistan.

The wickedness of terrorism is being conquered through daily acts of mercy. Peace in Afghanistan can be achieved by the establishment of just laws for all people and the continued sacrifice and selfless love of people working together. Those who committed this act of terror should feel the utter shame and disgust that humanity feels for them. We share this pain with those who continue the difficult and dangerous work to which Cheryl committed her life. We, as a family, will continue to love and pray for the Afghan people.We pray that Cheryl's life and work will inspire existing and future ministries of mercy to press on."

I cannot imagine the grief of losing a child,
especially in such a manner.