

One Snowflake, Two Snowflakes, Three Snowflakes, Etc.

From the picture above,
I bet you can tell we had an, ummmm, "interesting" week homeschooling
when Little Wild Man was home...

Regardless, we persevered and did get some learning in...


We did...

I have pictorial proof...
We have been working with a snow theme this month,
so both Baby Girl and Little Wild Man began working
in their Number Journal with the Number 5
(more info on Number Journals here)
by doing this "Five is for Five Birds" on a Snowman page.
More math fun continued with this
"Pasta Snowflake Count" game...
(I didn't have any snowflake shaped pasta,
so we used some glittery foam snowflake shapes instead.)

and this "Roll a Snowman" game.

Little Wild Man's Snowman
Baby Girl's Snowgirl
My Snow Mamma
(Please notice how she's getting her groove on...)

P.S. I got all these activities from "Make Learning Fun." If you haven't checked out this site yet, STOP whatever you're doing and click HERE, RIGHT NOW. I'm serious- click HERE, or HERE, or HERE. You won't be disappointed, I promise!

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