

January 23rd-28th

Highlights from this past week have included:

*Making wagons for the Oregon Trail
and playing a brain game
with our Lemonhead friends

(You can read more about all our
Nervous System activities
by clicking HERE...)

*Jungle Girl surprising her Lemonhead buddies
with crocheted characters from Frozen

That girl of mine has a future
in the Arts and Crafts arena,
I do believe.

She created two Elsas and one Olaf
by looking pictures.

She made up the pattern herself.

There is NO WAY I could EVER do that!

Makes a Mama just a *little* proud...


*Took Baby Girl on a Mommy/Daughter date
to see a local production of
Ramona Quimby.

and all the characters were played by
elementary, middle, or high school students.

Many of the people I did Annie with were there too,
so it was a bit of reunion for me.

*Learned about the Foolish Man and the Wise Man
in my K-1 Sunday School class-
and I WAS brave enough to let them play with sand
in the classroom!

*Enjoyed a surprise snow

It reminded me of the snows we used to get
around here
when I was a kiddo.

We actually got about 3 inches,
and the kiddos enjoyed playing in it-
and enjoyed having some extra play time
with their public school friends,
who ended up being out of school
for three days.

*Celebrated National Chocolate Cake Day,
(January 28th)
one day late,
with a homemade cake-

*Continued working on the letter L
with the littles

*Started learning about the Circulatory System

*Began prepping for Valentine's Day
by taking down all the snowmen decor
getting all of the kiddos' valentines ready
14 Days of Love

14 Days of Love began with my father.

For their ENTIRE marriage,
(which has been 40 years so far)
my father has given my mother
a valentine from
February 1st to February 14th.

If you do the math,
that is
560 valentines.

I decided to do this with my kiddos.

Sometimes they are homemade,
sometimes they are store bought.

Sometimes they come with candy
or another little treat.

So I like to get them all ready before February
so I can just stick one in their mailboxes daily.

I {heart} Valentines Day!


To read a photo play by play
of the above photo collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up


  1. I love hearing about your weeks. You always do such fun hands-on stuff and the 14 Valentines is so sweet. It is a wonderful tradition you are passing down.

  2. We went to see Ramona a few years ago at our local theatre. Love the stage version! Hope you had as much fun as we did.

  3. I would love to see a Ramona production - I love Ramona! The Valentine idea is terrific...but I would never be that organized.
