

February 14th-20th

Highlights from this week include:

*Valentine's Day Fun!

The morning of Valentine's Day brought
a new little lego set for all the kiddos,
and the afternoon brought heart shaped doughnuts
from my parents.

In the evening,
I broke out the china and served
heart shaped foods,
including grilled cheese sandwiches,
and Reece's peanut butter hearts.

Baby Girl asked if we could
eat fancy like this again sometime-
I think she enjoyed the "ambiance."

*Thursday evening, Friday morning,
and Saturday morning
the girlies deep cleaned their room.

This was the first time they have ever
shorted toys, clean under beds, dressers,
the closet, vacuumed and dusted
without my help.

I was SO PROUD of them!!!

(I also now realize what they are truly capable of,
which means I will not have to clean their
room anymore-
what a MILESTONE!!!)

*The kiddos handed out their 
Valentines to all their friends in the 'hood
and at dance class.

Little Wild Man gave out little Sports themed whistles
(I bet the Mamas appreciated THAT gift!),
and the girlies gave all their friends
THESE Bloomin' Yarn Flower Hair Clips.

*Sunday I pulled out all my bags of stuff
for the Lil' Angels Attic sale.

(This is our church's children's consignment sale,
which I help organize and run,
twice a year.)

We have A LOT of toys to sell-
it is rather ridiculous, really...

*Ate Presidential Pancakes on Monday
in honor of George Washington's birthday

*Learned a bit throughout the week
about different presidents,
in honor of President's Day

*Realized that Spring is just around the corner...


To read a play-by-play of the
above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up


  1. I wish I had known about the Presidential Pankcakes! Looks like you had a good week :)

  2. The presidential pancake is so cool...Though I am not sure I have the artistic talent to pull off something like that!!!

  3. Its gotta be good when you bring out the good china! I hope you'll consider adding this to my end of the week link up, Its a Wrap. -Savannah

  4. What a joyous couple of weeks. Thanks for sharing them.
    Blessings, Dawn
